Sleepless in Super: understanding work stress, sleep and performance
We were pleased to announce that our July Luncheon Briefings were replaced by a webinar.
Our need for sleep is primal, yet today’s pace of life means it’s often pushed to the sidelines to prioritise family, friends and work. And with COVID-19 plunging us into isolation, blurring the lines between home and work, it seems more difficult than ever to manage stress and get a good night’s sleep. But compare today’s sleeping conditions to those of 150 years ago. Back then, typically we worked 14 hour days, six days a week, living in cold, damp and noisy conditions, and sharing a bed not only with family – but with bedbugs and fleas! In reality, we’ve never slept so much as we do now. And research is indicating that the quality rather than the quantity of our sleep is more important in many parts of our lives, from success in work to our likelihood of developing problems such as obesity or mental illness.
We heard from guest speakers Nick Glozier, Darren Wickham and Glenn Baird.
Nick Glozier
Professor of Psychological Medicine, University of Sydney Brain and Mind Centre
Nick Glozier is Professor of Psychological Medicine at the Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney where he runs a clinical trials evaluating novel drug, digital and behavioural interventions for depression, sleep and cognition. His research interests include public mental health, sleep, the workplace, stress, disability and discrimination in our changing psychosocial and technological environments. Nick compiled the evidence base for what actually works for the Government’s Mentally Healthy Workplace program and advises the World Health Organisation, insurers, RUOK, SIRA and employers addressing workplace mental ill-health and wellbeing.
Darren Wickham
Executive General Manager – Group Life, TAL
Darren Wickham is TAL’s Executive General Manager for Group Life. He has written a number of papers on superannuation, life insurance and employee benefits. Darren was previously awarded Australian Actuary of the Year a very long time ago and has been living in the glory of that award ever since!
Glenn Baird
Head of Mental Health, TAL
Glenn Baird leads TAL’s mental health strategy working with internal stakeholders and mental health groups to encourage the health and wellbeing of TAL’s people, partners and customers. A qualified psychotherapist, facilitator and trainer with over 14 years’ experience. He has designed and implemented award-winning workplace education and support programs promoting health and wellbeing.
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